After more research I found electronic papers written by a Mr R Wigand in old 1940’s radio and electronics magazines. I also found some with the name Rolf Wigand, was this our man? Alison asks for the name of the technician who sends morse code. I’m on tenterhooks listening to the recording, praying that the morse sends ROLF. The morse sounds slower than ever because of the anticipation…. then it comes,,,, R ….. O …… L ….. F…. It’s him, it’s really him 🙂

Rolf Wigand was a very respected author and radio ham in those days. He disappeared very sadly in the final days of the war. Some say this was because he had tried to escape to the western Allied Forces, others say he was shot because he didn’t follow instructions to stop. Regarding his articles, he was very orientated on what happened in the US, where he had been in the 1930s. Who in those days could travel so far away? He frankly described in one issue the HRO receiver as well as the Hammerlund Super Pro; he also described the military communication receiver Schwabenland including its full schematic diagram! Considering his US orientated interest, he might also have had enemies. However, his topics are definitely peace time subjects.

Morse Reads: WIGAND ROLF

Listen also to the Voice EVP  (Hi My Name is Rolf Wigand ?)



















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